Rental Car Insurance in Weatherford, TX
Whether your regular ride is in the shop for repairs, you require a vehicle on vacation or you simply need a different type of automobile than usual, renting can be a cost-effective and reliable option. However, taking possession of someone else’s property entails significant risk levels, especially when coupled with the inherent dangers of operating automobiles. Understanding and securing the right rental car insurance coverage is essential.
What Does Rental Car Insurance Cover? 
Rental car coverage can typically entail many of the same financial protections and features as you might find in an auto insurance policy for your owned vehicle. This may include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Bodily injury liability coverage can assist with other parties’ losses and expenses if you’re at fault for an accident that causes them harm.
- Property damage liability coverage may insulate you from the fiscal ramifications of at-fault accidents that cause damage to other parties’ property.
- Collision coverage can help pay to repair your rental vehicle following a crash involving other automobiles or stationary objects (e.g., buildings and guardrails)
- Comprehensive coverage can also protect against physical damage to your rental, specifically addressing noncollision risks such as fires, theft, vandalism and floods.
Does My Car Insurance Cover a Rental?
Understanding the limits of existing personal auto insurance is essential when considering your rental vehicle coverage needs. Your personal auto policy may often extend coverage to rented vehicles, although certain restrictions may apply. For example, if you rent a vehicle valued considerably higher than your own, you may need additional coverage. Check with your insurance agent before renting a vehicle to ensure you’re not underinsured.
Where to Get Rental Car Coverage
Most rental car businesses will offer coverage when you pick up your vehicle. Whether or not you need to purchase insurance at this point generally depends on your risk tolerance and personal auto coverage.
At Associated Insurance, we’re well-versed in rental vehicle coverage and will work with you to ensure you have appropriate financial protection. Contact us today to learn more.